Inspired by you.
Hi, i'm Jami!
Founder of 26Favs. I am the wife to Brody & the mom to four little rascals! I started 26Favs as a way for us to simplify the internet for our kids. I was tired of worrying about where they could go, and what they could find. We call it 'going down the rabbit hole'. Now with 26Favs as our browser homepage, we are able to simplify the millions and millions of websites on the internet, down to 26 of our favorites.
Why 26, you ask?!?
I knew that I only had a limited amount of time to find good content for my busy kids. cutting the year in half, I found that I could add a new website every other week (26 weeks a year). But just like everything else I start, I made an adjustment and decided that I would try focusing on this list of favorite websites 26 days a month. That would be every day, with a break on Sunday.
Small print... my birthday was the 26th of the month. It's kinda my thing. :)
Keep it simple, stupid. Great advice. Hurts my feelings every time.
The Office